Aral de Luxembourg




🕗 horaire

Route de Longwy, 1941, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 25 96 57
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6055821, Longitude: 6.1014058

commentaires 5

  • C. H.

    C. H.


    Good service & choice

  • Timon Svoboda

    Timon Svoboda


    You can find a lot of different food in this Aral store. Not the best quality food... The automatic washstation is ok.

  • Malte Steinberg

    Malte Steinberg


    Good Aral Gas station with good selection in the shop + good car wash.

  • LuxSJ 232

    LuxSJ 232


    There are 2 Aral stations on 2 sites. The bigger one on right side direction exit of the city I was maybe 1 or 2 times. But the station 2 (on right city in direction entering the city) is a very quality service, listening to clients an mostly u get the Super petrol 102 the only station with it until East and West of Luxembourg! Very kind and fast service

  • laurent KALETA

    laurent KALETA


    Nice pump station. Anytime you buy gas you collect point. 1point = 10 litres. After 50 points you get a free washing card to make your car great again.

Station essence la plus proche

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