Auberge De La Gaichel de Gaichel

LuxembourgAuberge De La Gaichel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

5, Maison, 8469, Gaichel, Capellen, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 39 01 29
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.69448, Longitude: 5.86862

commentaires 5

  • George Bordei

    George Bordei


    The steak was far from proper and the desert missed to make a difference.

  • Mike Bashford

    Mike Bashford


    Excellent restaurant especially breakfast, friendly helpful staff and really quiet during the night.

  • Adel Nabhan

    Adel Nabhan


    Great place to celebrate a wedding, a birthday party...

  • Barbara Henderson

    Barbara Henderson


    Great place for lunch, lovely to sit out on the terrace in Summer

  • Olaf Schaareman

    Olaf Schaareman


    Geest hotel. Room bit small and hard to see tv from bed. Great nature area

Lodging la plus proche

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