Auchan Drive - Bertrange de Bertrange

LuxembourgAuchan Drive - Bertrange



🕗 horaire

30, Rue de l'Industrie, 8069, Bertrange, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 75 00 80 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6104941, Longitude: 6.0734219

commentaires 5

  • F V

    F V


    Possible to buy "Cristaline" mineral water and "Orval" beer on the spot: from their stock. Crafty free Wi-Fi, clean toilets, great "Total" petrol station next door.

  • Sara Rosati

    Sara Rosati


    The idea is cool but they need to improve the process. It happens very often that one of the items you've ordered goes out of stock and you don't get notified. You only realize when you're back home and so no chance to change it for another product.

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    Michael Riedl


    Very practical: order your groceries from home, just drive up and have everything stowed in your trunk. Yet, a bit confusing in the beginning. Some more instructions would certainly help

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    Jean-Marc Duval


    Efficient place to retrieve the groceries you ordered online. Very busy on Friday evening but open on sunday morning. The goods are delivered fast and in good conditions. Sometimes (1 out of 6 to 10) we receive damaged fruits and veggetables. There is a refund process on your "auchan card" - cash reusable at Auchan Drive.

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    I love it! The best way of doing shopping.

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