Bakes Belval Plaza I de Esch/Alzette

LuxembourgBakes Belval Plaza I



🕗 horaire

7, Avenue du Rock'n Roll, 4361 Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 57 31 70
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5007719, Longitude: 5.9460973

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Olga Katotyk


    Service zéro. .j'ai récu une salade, qui était périmée déjà quelques jours, degolasse. .

  • Cindy Schwarz

    Cindy Schwarz


    Très belle boulangerie pâtisserie. Salon de thé et restauration sur place. Je suis toujours satisfaite de la qualité des produits.

  • Yohann Spengler

    Yohann Spengler


    Menu du jour affiché 5,00€, qui passe à 9,50€ quand on demande à consommer sur place. Menu qui contient une portion de pâtes sauce tomate à peine réchauffé au micro ondes. Et le panini de ma copine ? J'en ris encore ! Endroit à éviter !!!

  • Ioannis Kypraios

    Ioannis Kypraios


    Very happy with the service. Prices are ok though not cheap and food is what you would expect. Not great but not bad. Given the area this is at, there are better options that are only a little more expensive. Still the staff are nice and helpful and prices are decent. One of the only negative things for me, though this will not affect a lot of is the fact that the staff only speak French this may be a problem for Lux and German speaking people.

  • Vanessa Saintot

    Vanessa Saintot


    Extremely helpful staff and good pastries and sandwiches. Put only 4 stars as I am not a fan of their hot meals. Always very clean and atmosphere is nice despite being inside the mall.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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