Batiself de Foetz




🕗 horaire

7, Rue de l'Industrie, 3895, Foetz, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 55 50 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5226302, Longitude: 6.0106081

commentaires 5

  • Luis Ribeiro

    Luis Ribeiro


    It's ok but expensive.

  • Mathieu Fourcroy

    Mathieu Fourcroy


    A lot of choice but the proces are WAY to high and not all the staff is kind.

  • Kim Raymond Melchers

    Kim Raymond Melchers


    Will be quite a battle between Bauhaus, Globus and Batiself. Good for the consummer, the prices are very low at the moment. What is good about Batiself, staff can speak Luxembourgish.

  • Luca Berthold

    Luca Berthold


    Very big. You get everything you need to repair or build something. Can be pricey though

  • Pascal Thiel

    Pascal Thiel


    Makes me feel like Tim Allen on Home Improvement. A place where men can still be men!

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