Baumert Sanitary and Heating de Luxembourg

LuxembourgBaumert Sanitary and Heating



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5, Rue FĂ©lix de Blochausen, 1243, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburg
contact téléphone: +352 36 98 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6008972, Longitude: 6.1385431

commentaires 3

  • fr

    Celier Espérance


    Réactifs, constructifs, créatifs. TrÚs bon service. Merci

  • en

    Santiago Juan Rivas


    REALLY BAD phone treatment. Called them various times on behalf of my renter (that could only speak chinese) so I could get an appointment and they accused me of lying and impersonating him. On top of that they could not give me an appointment for the next three weeks. Called another company and gave me an appointment for the same afternoon.

  • Jens Buch

    Jens Buch


    I had a problem with a leaking water tap. The guys from Baumert came by and solved it really fast. Turns out that it was something I could easily fix myself in the future.

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