BP de Mamer



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E25 Aire de Capellen,Capellen - LKW 1, 8279 Mamer, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352
site web: www.bp.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6350682, Longitude: 5.9696253

commentaires 5

  • Corine Beerepoot

    Corine Beerepoot


    I have never before been treated like this at a gas station. First the amount said 163 euros. Then the amount was corrected but she screamed at us to fill in the pin code and kept that attitude. Really crazy

  • LĂ©o Etlesbas

    LĂ©o Etlesbas


    Okayish Gas Station. Prices are the same as everywhere else on the Luxembourg territory.

  • Laky Luciano

    Laky Luciano


    Toilets are still free to use 😁

  • Jules H

    Jules H


    Convenient location off the highway, with the option to pay by card or with cash. There is always at least one cashier open throughout the early hours of the morning if you only have cash. They always have plastic gloves, water readily available near the pump with the wash brush screening tool, which is always useful. The store has a variety of the different snack, beverage and additional items.

  • Arnoldas Dapkus

    Arnoldas Dapkus


    A great stop with usually cheap fuel!

Station essence la plus proche

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