Brauerei Bofferding (Bofferding Brewery) de Käerjeng

LuxembourgBrauerei Bofferding (Bofferding Brewery)



🕗 horaire

2, Boulevard J-F Kennedy, 4930, Käerjeng, Capellen, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 23 63 64 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5674682, Longitude: 5.9122957

commentaires 5

  • Chelsea Bradley-White

    Chelsea Bradley-White


    This was an amazing trip out, plenty of samples to try which is amazing for the price! Be prepared you may be safer going by bus rather than car due to amount you try and get at the end. We enjoyed it that much we are planning to bring a friend back next year so he can see it (he was interested last year but we never got chance to visit). They speak French,not much English at all but there are videos to each area of the brewery to watch. They have in 7 languages so you would definitely be able to follow it

  • Terence Wood

    Terence Wood


    Very nice place to visit. Sit and try the beers try the food. Just relax!!

  • Costin Moldovan

    Costin Moldovan


    Excellent white beer altough pork knuckle could be better seasoned.

  • Jerry Bosscher

    Jerry Bosscher


    Good beer, good food and super friendly staff. What else to say more???

  • Josh Tverberg

    Josh Tverberg


    Fred was a great guide. Learned a lot and the beer is good too. Good value for your money.

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