Cabinet Dentaire Asya Petrova de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCabinet Dentaire Asya Petrova



🕗 horaire

55-57, Avenue Pasteur, 2311, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 20 11 90
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6197372, Longitude: 6.1201976

commentaires 5

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    Milena Tsankova


    For the first time I go to the dentist without any fear. Dr. Petrova is a great dentist and I feel in safe hands. Her cabinet is equipped with the latest technology and she created a nice and cosy atmosphere. I cannot thank her enough for the excellent work and I highly recommend her.

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    Milena Vankova


    Dr Petrova turns going to the dentist into a pleasant experience! Extremely careing and attentive to the patient's needs!

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    deyanski I


    Dr. Petrova is real professional, gentle, caring with attention to the detail. One can feel that just by entering the cabinet. Definitely recommend.

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    Ákos Weiszhaar


    Very professional, careful and also friendly. The atmosphere is relaxing. I would definitely recommend.

  • Aleksei Ujomov

    Aleksei Ujomov


    Very professional and a very pleasant atmosphere. Very responsive to the needs of the patient. The first dentist I am actually pleased to go to!

Dentiste la plus proche

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