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7, Rue Pierre Federspiel, 1512, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 51 81 1
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Latitude: 49.6183871, Longitude: 6.0972217

commentaires 5

  • en

    Hyejung Bin


    A Vulgar Merchant rather than a doctor! He treats you as ATM. He pushes you to have unexpected test once you're already on the obstetric bed, which is a cheeky psychological pressure. Minimum 1 hour waiting since he accepts too many patients, then he kicks you out as soon as possible for the next ATM. Somehow his bill is always much higher than other OBGYNs. He has NO intention to listen what you say because he's always in a rush and you’re not more than a money source.

  • StĂ©phanie Klein

    Stéphanie Klein


    Worst experience I've made with a OBGYN so far. As my regular doctor currently doesn't hold a place at a maternity ward, I was transferred to Dr. Arrazola. Now, I have no doubt that he knows what he's doing, it's just his 'manners' that really displeased me. He ALWAYS seems to be in a rush and lets you know it. It's more of a factory than a cabinet. During none of my visits he actually took the time to explain or show me much during the ultrasound, and neither did I get a printed image of our little one. Yes, totally not mandatory but hey... Either way, he left the delivery room when my son's head was already visible. The midwife went to find him a couple of minutes later but was unable to locate him. Dr. Arrazola was back after the (absolutely amazing!) midwife had helped me birth our little one, mainly to tell us that he had chosen some 'chill music' for us and the baby to listen to. He then went off again and charged birth assistance services - which are quite costly - as if he had actually been there (also, his prices are for some unknown reason higher than other OBGYNs'). Then, to top it all off, three weeks after we had already made the payment, we received a reminder for the invoice. Three weeks. That's just sloppy bookkeeping! Other (Spanish speaking) patients seem really happy with him, so maybe that's key here.

  • pt

    Sonia Santos


    Gostei muito do seu acompanhamento durante a minha gravidez e agradeco lhe por toda atencao,paciencia e disponibilidade alem de que e um excelente medico.

  • it

    Edmondo Perrone


    Un dottore attento e disponibile che ha in cura mia moglie da anni. Ha seguito la sua gravidanza e il parto personalmente con particolare attenzione. È attento all’aspetto umano a quello medico dei suoi pazienti. Parla perfettamente italiano e altre lingue come il francese, l’inglese, lo spagnolo, il portoghese.

  • fr

    MĂ©lanie Benoit


    Excellent gynĂ©cologue. Suivi de grossesse rigoureux, disponibilitĂ© quasi permanente et prĂ©sence en cas d’urgence. Le cabinet est trĂšs chaleureux et le personnel agrĂ©able.

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