Cactus Hobbi Howald i Howald

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCactus Hobbi Howald



🕗 åbningstider

4, Rue des Scillas, 2529, Howald, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 28 28 90 52
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.583861, Longitude: 6.135981

kommentar 5

  • Jean-Christophe Grégoire

    Jean-Christophe Grégoire


    Personnel toujours très serviable.Germanophones dans le rayon jardinage.Patient et de très bon conseil dans une langue qu'il ne maîtrise pas

  • Lucien Klein

    Lucien Klein


    Good place for hobby workers. Rather on the expensive side.




    Very nice plaese

  • Sven Wernicke

    Sven Wernicke


    Very nice Hobby market

  • Ioannis Kypraios

    Ioannis Kypraios


    Excellent customer service and great variety in products. Some of their wares are slightly overpriced but generally within an acceptable price range especially for Luxembourg. What I particularly like, is the fact that you can call and ask questions, something very useful if you don’t want to bother getting stuck in traffic. You can of course order online if you are so inclined but sometimes it’s better to go in store and be able to physically check out items. One big plus for me is that they offer technical items in a comparable price range to Hornbach (most often than note slightly cheaper as well). This is especially useful if you want to avoid going to Bertrange etc. Another positive is that they offer items which are not as easy to find in Luxembourg plus competing devices from other manufacturers so you always have choice in your purchasing. An example of this would be their dremmel range of products. Language wise they have staff who are able to speak French, English, German, Luxembourgish etc. This to me as a foreigner is extremely useful and I am guessing would be the case for others also not very proficient in French.

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