Carrosserie GGL de Bertrange

LuxembourgCarrosserie GGL


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6 rue Mérovingiens, 8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 45 57 15 400
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6092805, Longitude: 6.0769828

commentaires 5

  • MC Rosticher

    MC Rosticher


    The city of luxembourg wants to turn the place,where dangerous chemicals from cars body paints and petrol were used for over 40 years, into a shelter for up to 300 refugees. They just forgot to properly inform the citizens living in the vicinity and try to force their project onto them in the sly. If they want to integrate so many people, maybe they ought to have started by organising a meeting with the citizens impacted by that project. That’s called RESPECT!

  • Mireille Lorang

    Mireille Lorang


    Gute Arbeit aber nicht sehr hilfsbereit

  • SEgroup Luxembourg

    SEgroup Luxembourg


  • Gilles Biver

    Gilles Biver


  • Al Lin

    Al Lin


Réparation automobile la plus proche

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