Cat Hotel de Schuttrange

LuxembourgCat Hotel



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116, Rue Principale, 5367, Schuttrange, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 22 95 53
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.625647, Longitude: 6.2688

commentaires 5

  • en

    Lee Davies


    impressive, second home for our cat

  • en

    Valentina Merico


    I left my beloved cat there and after 3 days he was dead... They didn't even bother giving me more information about what happened or say sorry until i came back and found it myself. I just hope that no one will have to go through what I've been through because my heart is now broken.

  • en

    Teddy HD


    absolutely recommendable. Professional service, they are always happy to help! Never had such a good experience with a pension before

  • en

    Aramis Duroman


    I left my cat twice, and each time he came back leaner (when he was not really big at first). And what shocked me was their way of grabbing money. Before paying we have a hello and a big smile, and after not even a look or a goodbye. My feeling is that they love more money than animals. So I decided to go somewhere else, even if it's a little further: I found another place named "Lassie", which inspires me for the moment more confidence because there people really seem to love animals. PS: Following my opinion on this place, the owner wrote an answer (see below). Whaoo! This unpleasant comment gives a good picture of her state of mind...

  • Kalibar Mondir

    Kalibar Mondir


    Wonderful deal you gave me!

Animalerie la plus proche

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