Chicken Kitchen de Luxembourg

LuxembourgChicken Kitchen



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48, Montée de Clausen, 1343, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 20 20 67
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6130914, Longitude: 6.1433416

commentaires 5

  • en

    Georges Yucesoy


    My wife loves chicken wings and all things chicken. But this was the worst she ever ate. I made the mistake to try them out aswell. We will pass on this one in the future.

  • Kasallamacher



    Weichesten Fritten, die ich je hatte, wie roh. Totale Geldverschwendung. Sind genau so in den Müll gewandert. Chicken Wings waren gut.

  • Diego J

    Diego J


    Clean, nice looking place. They have classical Frank's-red-hot wings, very tasty. 2 more levels of spicyness available €1 per wing, and each wing the size of your pinky finger. Blue cheese is extra €2.

  • en

    Andy Mocko


    Cool sportsbar with very tasty chicken wings. Try the Parmesan Garlic!!

  • Zee92



    Tasty chicken wings and very nice and attentive service. Perfect to grab some friends and have a good start for a night out.

Restaurant la plus proche

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