Coque Hôtel de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCoque Hôtel


pas d'information

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2, Rue Léon Hengen, 1745, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 43 60 60 222
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6238086, Longitude: 6.1523534

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alaz Happel


    Excellent hotel and facilities especially for families with small kids

  • en

    Behrouz Maghsoudi


    Nothing around and meal inside is not that great but good pool

  • Diogo Carlos

    Diogo Carlos


    Nice Hotel good food and beatiful location with fitness swimming sauna Spa ewrithing is luxury but the prices are ok

  • en

    Eve Kwak


    What an absolute shambles of a hotel!! I love travelling and usually do not bother with a hotel again if it's bad, hotels also have bad days right?! However this hotel has left such a bad taste in my mouth, I wouldn't want my worst enemy to stay there!! NEVER EVER!!before arrival we checked websites to find out days of sports activities and none conflicted with our days so we were sure we could use the pool area, sauna and other areas of the hotel! However upon arrival we were told there was a sporting activity so the pool area is out of bounds and the wellness centre is opened but it's €12 which was fine, then we get told we have to be totally naked to use it!!! WHAT?!errm we don't remember anything like that on the website!which meant no pool and no wellness centre, why in Gods name would we pay for a hotel out of town to be confined in our rooms! Some called management to seek assistance... no management on a Saturday?! The receptionist sent down the cleaner to 'deal' with us cos she's the only one manning the Entire hotel. Service -poor, management-extra poor , dealing with complaints- non-existence!! NEVER EVER AGAIN, IF YOU ENJOY GOOD SERVICE AND PEACE, IT IS NOT THE HOTEL👎

  • João Caleja

    João Caleja


    A fairly new hotel, integrated with a sports center. Accommodation is a standard 3-star hotel with no degradation whatsoever. However, from the hotel reception to the rooms, one has to so through the outside of the facilities. Breakfast is on a mezzanine at the main building, i.e. in the center of the sports center, which can be a bit crowded during sports events.

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