Damas Restaurant de Luxembourg

LuxembourgDamas Restaurant



🕗 horaire

46, Rue Ste. Zithe, 2736, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 18 79 23
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6036312, Longitude: 6.1299669

commentaires 5

  • luxembourgcity life

    luxembourgcity life


    Amazing food so delicious and fresh

  • Martin Kracheel

    Martin Kracheel


    This is actually a syrian/Lebanese kitchen style restaurant in the city centre close to clinique zitha. It has a daily lunch menu as well as a regular menu of starters and mains. It is good, but feels a bit expensive and you have to be very clear with the service to make sure that you get what you want.

  • Yazan



    Great food, great service, affordable. Best one in Luxembourg

  • Wareef Bawadekji

    Wareef Bawadekji


    The atmosphere is very enjoyable, the service was very good, nice staff, the food has a nice homemade feel to it. Inexpensive, quality and plenty vegetarian options.

  • Husaenjasem25 Jasem

    Husaenjasem25 Jasem


    Excellent food.... excellent wine � ..... nice service crew.... and if you also do like as i did... take some good fellows with you.... to enjoy good food in an extra environment... and lovely chit chat....

Restaurant la plus proche

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