Delhaize - Proxy Station de Luxembourg

LuxembourgDelhaize - Proxy Station



🕗 horaire

5-7, Place de la Gare, 1616, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
contact téléphone: +352 26 64 96 98
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6009829, Longitude: 6.1339007

commentaires 5

  • Jörg Schultze-Lutter

    Jörg Schultze-Lutter


    Usually, this place is quite crowded but you can get most of your groceries 'to go' so there is nothing to complain about.

  • Naveen Kanakadandi

    Naveen Kanakadandi


    Place is too small to move around... Runs out of stock pretty quickly.. All rest of the usual aspects such as quality, price are all fine...

  • fr

    Philippe Vermeulen


    Magasin de très petite taille et très mal ordonné. Il est presque impossible de se croiser dans certains rayons Le choix est correct pour une petite supérette, mais trop souvent en désordre. Le personnel pas trop aimable et beaucoup trop stressé. Trop peu de caisses, et caissières peu aimables. Self-scan pratique pour compenser le manque de caisses. Juste bon pour une petite course de dernière minute.

  • ashok pillai

    ashok pillai


    They have all the food products which is comparatively cheap than other places.this place is located very near to Luxembourg gare centrale station which is good to pick quick and commute..




    They have great produce and meat. Bus lines are straps from door . Makes small shopping trips pain & fuss free They have... My most favorite foods in the world ! Fantastic!! Especially when I find not much here fantastic-ish Horrible area by luxembourgish standards ,filthy outside of store. People haggle you & would not return money if you dropped it on street.. This bothers me not, I love this place .

Supermarché la plus proche

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