Escher Déierepark i Esch-sur-Alzette

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LuxembourgEscher Déierepark



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64, Gaalgebierg | L-4142, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 27 54 37 50
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Latitude: 49.484834, Longitude: 5.9863184

kommentar 5

  • Eduard Ras

    Eduard Ras


    It's FREE! Nice place with some interesting animals for the kids. Nice play area for kids to burn of some energy. Great coffee shop (with more kids climbing opportunities). Great running opportunities as well.

  • Nuzhatul Ussak

    Nuzhatul Ussak


    It was gloomy Saturday when I visited this place but there’s quite lot of people. From the parking place we took the ride of horses carriage (dunno the proper word) or we can actually hike little to get there. There was already a mini Christmas market with mini ice skating place for kids. The people there were really friendly. It’s fun to visit this place but I kinda sad to see the animal in cage :(

  • Niandra LaDes

    Niandra LaDes


    Lovely open air parc in the woods with lots of local and not so local animals. Entrance is free and you can even bring your dog if you keep him/her leashed. Highly recommend! But be aware that the main parking is often full on weekends and that it is better to parc in the little parking in the woods and walk the rest of the way.

  • Giuseppe Ferrarini

    Giuseppe Ferrarini


    Very well organized, free of charge. Really good for children that will enjoy it a lot. Personnel is pleasant and collaborative. A nice walk through the park to reach it, can be slightly challenging, if you are pushing a stroller.

  • Jānis Nīlenders

    Jānis Nīlenders


    It's quite small and on top of a hill - you have a bit of a climb from the car park, BUT - it's for free and you get free snacks to give to the animals. Some nice play areas for kids older than 4 years.

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