Escuela Europea de Luxemburgo 1 de Luxembourg-Kirchberg

LuxembourgEscuela Europea de Luxemburgo 1


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

23, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, 1115, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
contact téléphone: +352 43 20 82 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6269039, Longitude: 6.1550156

commentaires 5

  • de

    Ben Nührenbörger


    Beste Schule Luxemburgs

  • Camila Beatriz

    Camila Beatriz


    I am very proud to be a student of ESL 1. They have very good lessons and if one person is bad at one lesson they're surely good at another. i have had a past with teachers who pick favourites and judge a person only by how good they do in their subject but in general teachers like to get to know their students and to judge them based on more than just their results. There are also many people to comfort you when feeling down, such as the school psychologist. Marking system is fair. I can honestly say I am 100% the number one fan of the European School of Luxembourg 1. Good five out of five!

  • Lucas de Rooy

    Lucas de Rooy


    Great school with lots of different language sections for people who don't speak Luxemburgish

  • Daniel Murphy

    Daniel Murphy


    They have a wide range of languages and nice teachers. Food needs improvement.

  • es

    Mattia CANEPA


    Tres bien

École la plus proche

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