European Museum Schengen i Schengen

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LuxembourgEuropean Museum Schengen



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Rue Robert Goebbels, 5444 Schengen, Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 66 58 10
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Latitude: 49.4707835, Longitude: 6.3663356

kommentar 5

  • Sneha Padmanabhan

    Sneha Padmanabhan


    Interesting little place housing a significant historic treaty. Apart from reading the detailed history, you can also print your Visa in a booth there. The sculptures outside the museum are worth a look as well.

  • Pierre Freres

    Pierre Freres


    Historical site with museum and nice bar A must to see

  • Draugadrotin n

    Draugadrotin n


    Small but nice place outlining the history of the Schengen zone.

  • Mitr Friend

    Mitr Friend


    This is an interesting place to spend sometime. Europeans would perhaps relate more to this, than non-Europeans. Its more a display of how the whole concept of combined European region came into being, when what happened etc. There's a small corner for kids to make their own (fake) Schengen visa! There's a display of various passports, flags etc of each & every member countries.

  • Jan-Wouter Arendsen

    Jan-Wouter Arendsen


    A little piece of history can be learned of here in the free museum. Nice display of flags outside and a great place to just stop, hang out and have a coffee before you hit the wine route.

nærmeste Museum

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