Evergreen de Mamer




🕗 horaire

38, Parc d'Activites Capellen, 8308, Mamer, Capellen, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 10 22 23
site web: www.restaurant-evergreen.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6407869, Longitude: 6.00483

commentaires 5

  • João Gonçalves

    João Gonçalves


    For working day food.

  • en

    Joshua Dauphinee


    Restaurant is closed and replace by a place called Evergreen.

  • Daniel Kup.

    Daniel Kup.


    Best for quick lunch, sandwitches, burger, wraps , salads and paninis at Capellen. Very friendly stuff. UPDATE: The owner and chef have changed and the overall quality has decreased. Menu of the day is not so delicious and the rest as well.

  • Erik De Keyser

    Erik De Keyser


    Good food. The person at the counter tricked me and took 1 euro to much.

  • en

    Mike Kintzlé



Restaurant la plus proche

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