Hairless Skin de Luxembourg

LuxembourgHairless Skin



🕗 horaire

1-1a, Rue Charles Quint, 2380, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 89 73 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6042785, Longitude: 6.1030387

commentaires 5

  • Tомила Л

    Tомила Л


    Great service

  • Ana Victoria Morales

    Ana Victoria Morales


    I came here for laser hair removal and now with the new machines it was so much faster and painless. Payment plans were super flexible and the new staff is very nice and knowledgeable. I’m happy with the results, the hair that does grow grows very fine

  • Adelaide Kremer

    Adelaide Kremer


    Amazing place, the staff is very friendly and the results are amazing after each session, I strongly recommend it.

  • Dosi .

    Dosi .


    Really nice staff and really good results! Very knowledgeable staff!!! I was there for a treatment in the face and Nadine saw a mole (in my neck) she found suspicious. She told me to have it checked. Turned out to be a melanoma. Thank you! Wouldn't have known otherwise

  • Neus Ripoll

    Neus Ripoll


    I DO LOVE IT! ! ! Results can be seen immediately and it just gets better after each session. I regret not starting with the treatment earlier since it made my life way easier. Moreover, the staff is the nicest ever, so much that getting treated is a pleasure! Give them a call, it will definitely change your life!

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