Hertz Luxembourg Sa i Sandweiler

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgHertz Luxembourg Sa



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Aeroport de Luxembourg, 1110 Sandweiler, Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 43 46 45
internet side: www.hertz.es
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.63505, Longitude: 6.21352

kommentar 5




    Excellent rental of cars

  • Ralph Stockmans

    Ralph Stockmans


    WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING This company is totally playing and abusing their own rules!!! They expect you to bring back the car with a full tank ( what is normal even that it must be at a minimum of 10km from the airport) and even if you are correct and did that, following their rules, they still charge you 20 euros!!!! It is not the extra charged amount that’s important , It’s their way of doing business!!! 20 euros falling out of the sky, on every client, multiplied by ? clients; I think they are without working making a nice profit. Then I don’t even want to speak about the horrible service at the counter you will receive !!! No, never ever we will use this company again!!!

  • P. F.

    P. F.


    Worst customer service ever! Impolite, unprofessional and rude. They cancel your reservation (charging the no-show fee) if the flight is delayed, then they try to charge you almost the double of the price to re-book the car. I'll never be back again!

  • Aristotelis Papamentzelopoulos

    Aristotelis Papamentzelopoulos


    Incident happened on 6th of September 21:24 at Hertz Luxembourg Airport. There was only one person at this time in the front desk. I approached the person and i told her that i would like to rent a car (I didn't have reservation). I asked directly if they have availability and I was told the following: "Yes we have cars but I am going to close soon so you should come tomorrow". The time was 21:24 and i assume that the branch was going to close in 6mins. I can also understand that a person wants to leave from work at the correct time. Then she shouldn't be sitting there. I take that when there is a person at the desk, is there to serve customers. And after all how long would take to rent a car. More than 10mins? I have never experienced that customer service in my life before from such a big company. Really disappointed.

  • Valentin Mezev

    Valentin Mezev


    I rented the smallest possible car for 1 day trip with my girlfriend. When we arrived the women from the stuff was extremely pleasant, she gave us a better car at the same price. We had no issues with the car. Return was easy and straightforward even after working hours. Off topic: Luxembourg is lovely for a day trip. There are many charming small villages, castles and the roads are amazing.

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