Hotel de l'Abbaye des Premontres de Pont-à-Mousson

LuxembourgHotel de l'Abbaye des Premontres


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54700 Pont-à-Mousson, Francia
contact téléphone: +33 3 83 81 10 32
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Latitude: 48.90757, Longitude: 6.05661

commentaires 5

  • de

    J. H.


    Great hotel and super nice lady at the front desk! The hotel is located in a beautiful old abbey, a wonderful place on the River Moselle. The room was very quiet and nice as well. The breakfast was a rich Buffet. We are long-distance hikers and let deliver our bags always by taxi to our next hiking destination. The nice Madame at the front desk was from Toul, our next destination, and transported our bags for free to our next hotel there. Thank you very much Madame, there are still nice people in the world!

  • en



    Really a beautiful hotel, still has the ambiance of a 100 years ago. Had a family room that was really big. Beds are good only thing is that you cant open the windows vert wide in the family room. Probably for safety but that made it quite warm in the room. Breakfast was good, nice and fresh croissants and a good choise of things you can put on it. The surroundings are great for cycling and hiking.

  • Jorge V

    Jorge V


    Personal muy amable. No tiene restaurante, aunque si sirven desayunos.

  • Jonathan Desaunois

    Jonathan Desaunois


    Rien à redire. Le lieu est hors normes. Chambres plus sobres que le reste de l'abbaye mais sympa

  • Rafael Rodríguez Lecoq

    Rafael Rodríguez Lecoq


    Antigua Abadía abandonada y reconvertida en hotel, teatro, escuela. .. Bonito cuadro para alojarse. Habitaciones espaciosas.

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