Hotel Piemont de Luxembourg

LuxembourgHotel Piemont


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58, 56 Route d'Esch, 1470 Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 25 42 01 1
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Latitude: 49.6022533, Longitude: 6.1200514

commentaires 5

  • Ricardo Corigliano

    Ricardo Corigliano


    Very nice hotel, clean and with a great and polite staff.

  • Bernard Bulder

    Bernard Bulder


    Beds and bathroom are o.k. The wireless is terribly slow.

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    Olu Williams


    Quaint little hotel - old 70s style décor in some places. No room service. Reasonably priced. Clean.

  • Maggie O'Donnell

    Maggie O'Donnell


    As soon as I walked into my room, I just walked out again. It was right beside the lift and at the front over looking a busy street - it was just to noisy. So I went back to reception and told them that I wouldn't be able to sleep there so could I have another room. His reply was " The hotel was booked out".... surely I couldn't have been the last one to check-in, it was only 6pm Wednesday 14th September. He didn''t even bother to check but dismissed my complaint saying that its get very quiet at night... As I had to be ready in a few minutes for a work meeting I wanted to believe him so I took his word for it. But unfortunately when I got back to the hotel and settle in it was too noisy... I didn't sleep at all. So at 5am, I was down in reception making sure that I had a change of room for the next night that was quite. For the next night they did move me but I feel that the guy at reception was very dismissive... Anyway now they would have to clean two rooms instead of one for my stay there.

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    Lee Coll


    Awful experience. Placed on top floor in room with broken air conditioner. Extremely hot and uncomfortable. Requested move to room with temperatures below 35°C. Front desk said no rooms were available and repairs would be done "tomorrow" the day we were to leave! They would not assist in finding another room or nearby hotel with functioning facilities. Very unhelpful and we ended up leaving the same day, traveling on to Frankfurt where we were departing from the next afternoon. Several attempts to secure refund failed. They kept asking for my banking information, which I was not going to turn over account or routing numbers for. Still, to this day, no refund. Out approximately US$115.

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