House of Fitness 360 i Bridel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgHouse of Fitness 360



🕗 åbningstider

89, Rue de Luxembourg, 8140, Bridel, Capellen, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 33 00 44
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Latitude: 49.6492607, Longitude: 6.0846112

kommentar 5

  • loulou Barsotti

    loulou Barsotti


    You are the only ones that really care about what you are doing! That’s why I put so much trust on you. Thank you for all the good trainings, for all the motivation and for always pushing me to my best! Loulou

  • Louis Wright

    Louis Wright


    Excellent training, I trained with Raul over the years and he really cares about his clients on an individual basis, taking into account their personal goals and there lifestyle and then building a customised program around it and making sure that the results were achieved

  • Roland Courtois

    Roland Courtois


    Toujours un très bon acceuil. Des gens professionelles et motivés à tous faire pour ta proper santé. TOP et merci encore.

  • Geraldine Schintgen

    Geraldine Schintgen


    Great trainers, great studio, always a pleasure to be there 😃👍

  • Katia Peters

    Katia Peters


    Small room, under roof, stinky. Bad service. How can this guy call himself a personal trainer??? ...and now you're pretending not knowing me anymore...oh Raul....

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