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2-2A, Rue Joseph Leydenbach, 1947, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 20 21 10 70
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Latitude: 49.6293247, Longitude: 6.1739321

commentaires 5

  • de

    Ghislaine Lisarelli


    Bin seit 2015 Patientin bei Dr. Lee und sehr zufrieden. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Ein sehr netter und äusserst kompetenter Zahnarzt. Das Personal ist auch sehr nett.

  • de

    Vanessa Edith Ferstl


    Vor Weihnachten brach mir ein Stück Zahn ab und ich rief kurzfristig an, um eine Notbehandlung zu bekommen. Die ehrliche Freundlichkeit ist eine Auflockerung, schon am Telefon und die Beratung und ebenso die Behandlung von Dr. Lee waren sehr gut! Ich gehe weiterhin nur zu dieser Praxis und kann sie nur weiterempfehlen.

  • en

    Karsten Marzoll


    What should I say? My aversion against dentists (from childhood experience) prevented me to go to one for a long time, thanks god I never had trouble! But when I met Dr. Lee he took a lot of time to explain how they work, which is very different, modern, and holistic in comparison to other doctors. I am happy I made the move, and got rewarded with the best medical treatment i could imagine. Since then I am feeling very comfortable coming back all the time, and even after moving to Sweden I will always come back to the place where I feel I get the best treatment for myself. Great place, best service, nice staff: I am happy!

  • en

    TL K


    Dr. Lee is by far the best dentist I have ever come across in my life. He is knowledgeable far ahead of most dentists. He is not trying to get the quickest solution done but the best for the patient. He can explain matters so even I can understand them! He is supported by a friendly and dedicated team which rounds off the whole experience. I wish there were dentists like this here in London... but as there aren't I still have to make the trip to Luxembourg once a year.

  • Chery Hancock

    Chery Hancock


    I went to the holistic dental center to have all of my amalgam fillings removed as it had been suggested by a private specialist I am seeing for Chronic Fatigue syndrome. From the very first meeting with Dr. Lee I was put at ease and he was happy to answer all of the questions I had. He completely understood that I had to be careful with the treatment and made sure that I was comfortable and well looked after during each and every appointment. I have to add that Dr. Lee's team are a wonderful bunch too and always made me laugh and made me feel like I was in the best of hands.

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