Intercuisine de Foetz




🕗 horaire

Rue de l'Industrie, 3895, Foetz, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luksemburg
contact téléphone: +352 57 50 40 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.525877, Longitude: 6.0142521

commentaires 5

  • Massimo Fazzolari

    Massimo Fazzolari


    *Warning*: once you pay the initial required amount they will charge you additional fees and they won't deliver your kitchen until you do what they say. They are nice and all at the beginning, after the initial payment they make the rules. They picked their own delivery date, they didn't communicate it to me, they didn't call or fix an appointment with me, they didn't find anybody at home and they decided it was fair to charge me 350 euros. After that, they asked me to pay the whole amount of the kitchen in advance breaking the rules of contract I signed (I was supposed to pay 30% when I placed the order, 70% after the kitchen was installed). The quality of the kitchen is below the average, their kitchen appliances are overpriced, their customer services sucks. You can find way better places to buy your kitchen in Luxembourg.

  • Nicolas TEZE

    Nicolas TEZE


    Excellent contact avec le vendeur. TrÚs bonne écoute de sa part. Bon conseils par la suite. Choix vaste et de qualité.

  • fr

    Helder Maciel


    TrĂšs bien

  • Yannick Morbach

    Yannick Morbach


    Merci intercuisine fir dei exzellent kischen an deen top service aprĂ©s vente. Daumen heisch 👍

  • lb

    Jerome Tapper


    Top Service.Top Service Apres-vente. Top Kichen. Also waat well een mei :)

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