Jumpbox Trampoline Park de Contern

LuxembourgJumpbox Trampoline Park



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8 rue l'Etang, ZI Weiergewan, 5326 Contern, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 28 22 76 1
site web: www.jumpbox.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.595692, Longitude: 6.220019

commentaires 5

  • Bert Boerman

    Bert Boerman


    Great trampoline park, absolute recommendation. Our kids love the place and have been here individually and for birthday parties. Birthdays parties are nicely organised with private tables upstairs. Kids receive explanations and do a warm up before they go on the trampolines. We have even done a birthday with adults here too which was hilarious. Trampolines are high quality and well maintained. I would prefer my kids to jump here over back-yard trampolines that are accident prone. Cafe is simple but comfortable, good to spend a few hours while waiting.

  • Carlos Candeias

    Carlos Candeias


    Although trampolins and kids are a danger mix, is "safer" since it as more space to jump and kids aren't "closed" and jumping in a small room with other 10 kids.

  • Armand Courtai

    Armand Courtai


    What a let down. More expensive than alternatives, smaller, less activities and the staff were totally disinterested. No encouragement or interaction at all. My daughter hated it and wanted to leave after 30 minutes. Cafe lacks food options and parents cannot easily watch their children, especially as there are very few staff on the court. Won't go back and would not recommend it. Oh and one more thing, its hard to find and has limited parking.




    Fun activity for a kid but not younger then 6 years old. Very important to have a jumping adult with each kid for his own safety. What is very convenient - they have their own parking around the building. Minus - very limited choice of food staff at a bar.

  • Michael Riedl

    Michael Riedl


    Good fun for the kids. Some more entertainment for attending parents would be appreciated.

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