Kids Playground - Parc de Monterey de Luxembourg

LuxembourgKids Playground - Parc de Monterey


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

45, Avenue Monterey, 1724, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 661 830 830
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6104808, Longitude: 6.1226871

commentaires 5

  • Pearl van den Berg

    Pearl van den Berg


    Always a pleasure to go therr

  • Stefan Itu

    Stefan Itu


    Nice park for kids but is often crowded and filled of strange people around your kids which doesn't give you a nice feeling.

  • en

    Andrew Cochrane


    Was a great playground for the kids lots to do would be great in summer time as there's a water park too.

  • George Miscalencu

    George Miscalencu


    Great place to go with the kids. The Pirate Ship inside is perfect for them to waste some time while you enjy the flowers around. Too bad there is a working/renovation site in place now. I hope they will finish the work soon...

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    William Shaw


    Great park for kids with a huge pirate ship for kids to explore and lots of games related to water. Good for hot summer days to use up your kid's energy. Plenty of grass to relax on. Best park in Luxembourg.

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