L'Annexe i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, Rue du Saint Esprit, 1475, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 26 25 07
internet side: lannexe.lu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.608428, Longitude: 6.1336141

kommentar 5

  • Gilles Cosyn

    Gilles Cosyn


    Don't eat the Beef tartare! We both had food poisoning afterwards. Furthermore, there was black hair in my tartare. NB: It was delivered by WeDely (15min delivery). NBB: I ordered and ate at the Annexe several times but the hair as well as the food poisoning was a very unpleasant suprise

  • Daan de Vries

    Daan de Vries


    Excellent food and friendly staff. Very well hidden in the city center.

  • Allie Wu

    Allie Wu



  • Jared Glass

    Jared Glass


    I don't usually have these two dishes for ethical reasons but moral debate aside I thought to at least once, try some proper French food in a proper French restaurant. The Foie Gras was flavourful without being too pungent. Even though the plate was beautifully decorated with garnish, each and every part of the garnish complemented the pate so that each mouthful is somewhat different from the last, staying interesting. The veal was soft, tender and flavourful but the combination of the potatoes and gravy, although seemingly simple were surprisingly the best I've ever had.

  • Aleksandra Kolecka

    Aleksandra Kolecka


    Jedzenie francuskie bardzo dobre. Wystrój restauracja raczej słaby; minimalistyczny

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