Louis Vuitton Luxembourg de Luxembourg

LuxembourgLouis Vuitton Luxembourg



🕗 horaire

2, Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, 2227, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 22 63 26 26
site web: eu.louisvuitton.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6122133, Longitude: 6.1282092

commentaires 5

  • Jimmy Cardenas

    Jimmy Cardenas


    Limited selection but A+ service.

  • Nikola Nielsen

    Nikola Nielsen


    I have bought many bags in Louis Vuitton Luxembourg but the zipper is not strong after 2 years it do not work , and they have now replace it with a brand new bag. Nice service I am happy again

  • en

    Kelvin Ng


    Easy access compared to Frankfurt and Paris by car. Enjoyed the customer experience... 😁👍

  • Leemer Jabafordes

    Leemer Jabafordes


    The staffs are very friendly and patiently waited until you decide what you wanted.

  • Shane Teisman

    Shane Teisman


    Bought a sunnglasses and belt on 13-11-2017. The belt was new in the box as aspected. Unfortunately the sunglasses had vingerprints all over the glasses. It seemed almost used. Had to clean my glasses before using. I noticed this when I came home. This is not something that i expected when buying a brand new sunglasses from the Louis Vuitton store...

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