Luxembourg Findel Lufthavn de Luxembourg City

LuxembourgLuxembourg Findel Lufthavn


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2987 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 640
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6289002, Longitude: 6.2147446

commentaires 5

  • et

    Hugo-Tanel Kaasik


    Not good. There's not enough seats, hardly any restaurants or cafeterias and of course there are no work desks for using your laptop. No children's playroom either. The check in line can get surprisingly lengthy for such a small airport. If your flight gets cancelled, the staff is unhelpful and not interested unless you are flying with local airline Luxair. Bus to the city centre leaves at an interval of 30-minutes on Saturday and Sunday evenings and taxi ride to the centre (about 5 km) costs around 35 euros.

  • Emma



    Nice little airport. Staff were friendly and very helpful. They speak French, Dutch, and English which is great. The airport is fairly easy to navigate, which is good as I get lost easily. There's not that many shops or seating areas. On the whole, I had a stress free time here.

  • fr



    L'ancien aéroport était déjà très agréable, à taille humaine, pas plus grand qu'une grande station RER. On avait pris l'habitude de loger dans un hôtel à 300m et on prenait le vol le lendemain matin. Le nouveau est tout aussi sympa, clair avec parking moderne et sécurisé.

  • Nick Ash

    Nick Ash


    For the size of the airport, the rating would have to be good. A quiet place, where nice food is served. Adequate parking space. Always a good feeling leaving the bustle of the big cities and landing at this airport. Just remember to arrive early and check in as security checks and processing time can hold you up.

  • Jorge V

    Jorge V


    Aeropuerto bastante pequeño pero limpio. Los aparcamientos cómodos y bien señalizados tanto para llegar como dentro. El personal de seguridad es de los más molestos de Europa. Son muchos y deben querer demostrar que se ganan el sueldo. Suelo viajar con las mismas cosas y lo que no suena en el detector de la mayoría de aeropuertos, suena en éste. Hay horas en que está cerrado: pocos vuelos. Hay que ir con bastante tiempo. Además hay embotellamientos a menudo.

Aéroport la plus proche

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