Luxembourg, Gare Centrale de Luxembourg City

LuxembourgLuxembourg, Gare Centrale


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1611 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.600622, Longitude: 6.133745

commentaires 5

  • Phuong Nguyen

    Phuong Nguyen


    nice vintage station. quite spacious inside where you can find the information desk, ATM, toilet and also a kiosk for souvenirs and quick shopping. not many seats available at the waiting area.

  • Florence van der Voort

    Florence van der Voort


    Really strange that the station is closed however the last train did not arrive yet. It gave me a weird feeling

  • en

    Ansis Nikolovskis


    Nice place!

  • Dimitri Fiori

    Dimitri Fiori


    I went to ask some informations to the desk, saying "Bonjour" to a woman with blond and short hair working there. She was so rude, answering in the local language and then telling me "You could say hello in my language !". Very rude behaviour. Hope not all the staff act the same.

  • Javier Lazaro

    Javier Lazaro


    delays, info on the screen not properly updated. lost my morning there

Station de bus la plus proche

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