Manoir Kasselslay de Roder

LuxembourgManoir Kasselslay



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9769 Roder, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 95 84 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.056064, Longitude: 6.082477

commentaires 5

  • Viviane Lebe

    Viviane Lebe


    very pretty place, very good restaurant the rooms are large and well organized

  • Joost Heymeijer

    Joost Heymeijer


    Wonderful restaurant. Great food and service

  • Martin Rijntjes

    Martin Rijntjes


    The rooms feel a bit aged, but nothing to worry about. The restaurant and breakfast however are better than we have experienced in some 5 star hotels by quite some margin.

  • Heidi Gulick

    Heidi Gulick


    A really special place to stay. The rooms are simple but elegant and the food out of this world. In a small rural village and very peaceful.

  • Victoria Richard

    Victoria Richard


    WONDERFUL !!! It's very nice !! The food is just perfect even if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, the chef can do everything and everybody is very kind helpful and professional ! In addition, if you are at the clervaux hotel they can organize a shuttle for you (free to charge) it's very nice ! I recommend !

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