Motolux Sa de Livange

LuxembourgMotolux Sa



🕗 horaire

Zone Industrielle-Centre 2000, 3378, Livange, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luksemburg
contact téléphone: +352 26 37 40 45
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.530985, Longitude: 6.1222588

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Locorotondo David


    Excellant service personnel au top un garage moto à recommander. Vous y trouverez tout ce que vous désirez avec le sourire et le convivialité en plus

  • en

    Francesco Senni


    In my personal opinion they're gentle but not experienced mechanics. If you have to buy or just to do the ordinary maintenance on a new motorbike they're ok. If you have a real problem I suggest you to search for a real mechanic. Here my experience. I went there for with a Vespa GTS250. I explained the "symptoms": engine was knocking (or pinging, you know when detonation is to early ) and the general warning indicator was activated. I left them the Vespa to diagnose it. The day after they told me it was nothing, the warning light was due to a problem with the ABS (which was perfectly running) and to the fact in their opinion I did not the last service and proposed me a general service (all the fluids, filters, spark etc) for something more than 300€. I found it impossible and I understood they didn't do the electronic diagnose and they didn't test it on the road as dealt, because the ABS was running perfectly (tested the day after on a sandy road) and the noise on pinging was such evident that also a non professional as me could tell it. Furthermore I had already did all of those maintenances since less than one thousand km, 2 monthes ago. They billed me 30euros for the time and some fluids (which is impossible because I checked everything before going there). I found a real Piaggio mechanic (Sunlux, thank you), they tested it for real and found the pinging was due to the failure of the automatic voltage regulator and proposed me to do the work for 240euro- After changing it the Vespa now works perfectly. In my opinion the boss, I repeat he's a gentle person, had not any real intention of fraud, he just repeated what his inexperienced mechanic told him. Thus in my opinion they're good people but non good mechanics.

  • fr

    David Tarantino


    Le personnel est très accueillant et compétent ! Rien à redire

  • Dan G

    Dan G


    Disponibilité, honnêteté et maîtrise. Client depuis plus de dix ans, toujours impressionné par la qualité du service.

  • flyingkanter



    Gudden as schnelle Service zu faire Präiser

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