National Library of Luxembourg i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgNational Library of Luxembourg



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37d, Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 55 91 00
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Latitude: 49.6292538, Longitude: 6.1655923

kommentar 5

  • Borbala Medvegy

    Borbala Medvegy


    Spacious, nice, new building with a cool design. I especially like the red-blue contrast. The staff is friendly and informative. Plenty of cabinets for coats and bags. Café in the building.

  • Ana Maia

    Ana Maia


    I really like the library, it's very modern and organized. Borrowing books and returning them is very easy. It's very silent and is one of the best places to study, read or relax. It has different rooms that can be used to study, listen to music or even practice music. Getting a card takes less than 10 minutes and is really useful, all of my friends love it and I, as a student, am looking forward to study more there. However, it is really a shame that it is closed for two days of the week, I would love to go on sundays and mondays, maybe reconsider? Thank you!

  • Meylemans Paul

    Meylemans Paul


    Luxembourg moved its National Library to a completely new and magnificent building on the Avenue J.F.Kennedy. There is a tram stop in front of the library, which makes access easy. The inside is modern with plenty of light. The infrastructure to search for and consult books, audio, video and music scores is simply excellent.

  • Mike Papnick

    Mike Papnick


    Extremely loud, people bring their kids and they act like they are going to an amusement park. People talk in the corridors, on their phones and NOONE comes to tell them to keep quiet. All this money spent, and there are literally not enough study desks, or quiet zones. Huge disappointment. Also stuff there should have proper training as it's incredible that people make so much noise and they don't do anything. This library is a joke

  • Léo Etlesbas

    Léo Etlesbas


    The brand new national library of Luxembourg is huge, very beautiful. There are several floors of books, tables, sofa, it's quite impressive! There is also a cafe in the building as well as lots of computers, newspaper and other cultural elements. I definitely recommend this place. Opening hours are very convenient, except that it's not open on Sundays...

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