Octans -A Spirited Bar i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgOctans -A Spirited Bar



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15, Rue du Cure, 1368, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 28 77 47 88
internet side: octans.business.site
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Latitude: 49.6114689, Longitude: 6.1320437

kommentar 5

  • en

    Josef Weinkeller


    Atmosphere is good. Seating are quite uncomfortable and staff seemed a bit unfriendly. Cocktail was good but as already said, too expensive.

  • en

    vasco luca beccaria


    Too expensive. E.g. Gin Tonic paid like Gin + Tonic

  • Joseph Xavier

    Joseph Xavier


    This place is awesome because they have an awesome manager!! His name is Thomas !

  • en

    Ingo Bednarz


    Great drinks!! Delicious cocktails. The bartenders here definitely know their craft. Browse the cocktail menu or just go with the bartender's recommendations. Laid back atmosphere, great service. If you're visiting from out of town and looking for a spot to enjoy a couple of drinks and the local scene, you will like Octans.

  • en

    Nélitié Zingoua Kouadio


    Octans is THE place in Luxembourg to get tailored made cocktails or just enjoy one of the menu selection! In fact I was welcome with a possibility to choose amongst a Cocktail in the menu or a bespoke one! The Menu itself is an invitation to travel across the five continents! I decided myself for a bespoke cocktail tailored by one of bests mixologists in Luxembourg. As a non cocktail expert, I had to recognise that my fine-tuned cocktail had nothing in common with my own homemade mixtures! Those who fancy interior design, will be totally amazed by the place design and delighted by the in Tom Dixon seats! If you think you deserve the best, definitely the place to hit!

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