Renault Luxembourg de Luxembourg

LuxembourgRenault Luxembourg



🕗 horaire

2, Rue Robert Stumper, 2557, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 40 30 40 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5849644, Longitude: 6.1186181

commentaires 5

  • en

    Florian Nerenhausen


    Tip top

  • Dav gk

    Dav gk


    I was quite adamant before I visited this showroom as I saw there were so any negative feedbacks. However, When i went there I was very surprised. Reason: CLAUDIO MARTINS. He is the best executive I have ever seen. I have been to many countries and to be frank I have never seen someone as professional and dedicated as him. And compared to any other customer service you get in Luxembourg, this is quite unusual:-) That being said, if you want a car and you are confused, I would suggest you book an appointment with him. PLUS POINT: He speaks ENGLISH fluently as well.

  • en

    Andrej L


    If repairing a car you might want to challenge the works that need to be done.

  • Matthew James Montgomery

    Matthew James Montgomery


    Purchased a car from them 2 years ago. Delighted with it. Service not bad. Seem to be more honest than other garages in lux.




    Really good attention received from sellers - Even during the autofestivel, I was well attended.

Concessionnaire la plus proche

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