Sandweiler German war cemetery de Sandweiler

LuxembourgSandweiler German war cemetery



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Sandweiler, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 35 50 07
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6083001, Longitude: 6.2031616

commentaires 5

  • Richard



    This cemetery is just down the road from the American military cemetery in Luxemburg, the German one offers the perspective of the other side of the war. Very different from the American one, but still an incredibly powerful place.

  • Allen Barrett

    Allen Barrett


    In many ways I found this more moving than the nearby American cemetery. It was still stark, still rows of markers, still a place for somber reflection. What it did not have was the bravado of the american cemetery, which,I suppose, goes with being on the wrong side.

  • Carlos Villalobos

    Carlos Villalobos


    German war cemetery. Minutes away from the American war cemetery. Greaves are engraved with 4 individuals. Recommend seeing both cemeteries. Eye opening difference.

  • Kevin Koehler

    Kevin Koehler


    If you are at the American Cemetery in Luxembourg then go here also it is only down the road not even a mile. This is also a somber place to visit and reflect on some of the consequences of war. This is a consolidated cemetery of German Soldiers from World War Two with battles that were in the Luxembourg and Belgium area. As with many wars there are Soldiers here that are Unknown and these rest in double graves.

  • Caley McCormick

    Caley McCormick


    A beautiful and sad place and a stark contrast to the American cemetery down the street. Both are must sees for anyone traveling in the area.

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