Saturn de Luxembourg




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45-47, Avenue de la Gare, 1610, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 64 64 56 6
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.602241, Longitude: 6.1332796

commentaires 5

  • Jonas Kreilgaard

    Jonas Kreilgaard


    Good selection of products, usually fair price.

  • Zayna Philippi

    Zayna Philippi


    It's good place to buy electronics stuff for ur house.

  • João Gonçalves

    João Gonçalves


    Great place for technology and home appliances.

  • Urbie



    Good place to find a large variety of electrical goods and video games. Not always the best value but often you can find a good deal here

  • Philippe TREINEN

    Philippe TREINEN


    Good rates, good products but the sellers have no technical knowledge. They sell you anything without having any idea what they sell. Only in TV department they are more professional. Only French speaking sellers.

Grand magasin la plus proche

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