Shop POST Telecom i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgShop POST Telecom



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41 A, av. J.-F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 800 28 004
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6313445, Longitude: 6.1689536

kommentar 5

  • Schroom Engel

    Schroom Engel


    People are incompetent. two times already that they wasted my time. first they gave me the wrong charger cable for an S9+ (the gave me micro-usb instead of an USB-C). then I ordered the Gear VR 2017 R325 so it would fit my S9+ Apparently they couldn't order it that way, wasn't in their system and they where hard to come by. 2 months later I still had nothing, I called and they said they had it for 6 weeks already and sen d a text (which I never received). so I went and got it, when I got home I unwrapped it and surprise it didn't fit my S9+, I looked at the Model No and: 2016 R323... wrong one... so I will have to go back again and hope they retake it. seriously how is this so hard?

  • Ahmet Durgun

    Ahmet Durgun


    Was sold a landline internet connection at this office. Due to complete disinterest of sales people and customer service, I would advice to be careful as a customer. The service providers will not alert you to, or initiate any sharing of, information that is important to the terms of your contract. By being extra vigilant and asking for all possible costs and option, you may prevent yourself from ending up financially hurt over and over. Alternatively, avoid Post telecom if you do not wish to be burnt.

  • en

    Hovado Sproste


    Extremely slow service. Employees like on drugs.

  • Daniel Murphy

    Daniel Murphy


    Good location, but if you need a router you should come very soon because waiting times for a internet connection are very long.

  • en

    Viktor Dimov


    Employees did not know English and pretty much said "tough luck". No service was received

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