The Lounge by Luxair de Niederanven

LuxembourgThe Lounge by Luxair



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1638 Niederanven, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 561
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6344867, Longitude: 6.2169926

commentaires 5

  • Tony Abranches

    Tony Abranches


    Très classe bien en attendant sont vol

  • Yun-Han Chen

    Yun-Han Chen


    Nice small lounge with a view on the tarmac. Small but filling choice of food. Great drinks available.

  • Dale Plotzki

    Dale Plotzki


    An excellent lounge by any measure. Prompt service at the desk, neat and clean. A tranquil, peaceful atmosphere. An excellent selection of cremant from the region, and very good meat and cheese bar. Way to go AirLux!

  • Florence van der Voort

    Florence van der Voort


    Personeel is alles behalve vriendelijk. Eten is zeer goed! Enkel wel weinig stopcontacten voor een lounge....

  • João Gonçalves

    João Gonçalves


    For MM frequent travellers entry granted only for Luxair bookings. Senator status have access on Star Alliance flights. Great facilities and full round choice of snacks and breakfast. Surprisingly one of all time favourite for espressos on their trendy coffee machine. Quality time before a flight.

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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