United States Embassy de Luxembourg

LuxembourgUnited States Embassy


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22, Boulevard Emmanuel Servais, 2535, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 46 01 23 00
site web: lu.usembassy.gov
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6189705, Longitude: 6.1290335

commentaires 5

  • Ana Condurache

    Ana Condurache


    It is a big shame. I needed for work the visa and it was quite urgent. It is almost impossible to reach them by phone, I sent several emails, the HR of the company I work for contacted them too and after one week we got the answer that for them it is not urgent and I can wait the normal time to get the visa, more or less one month at that time to get an appointment. I contacted the embassy in Bruxelles, they answered very quickly and they asked me to go there the morning after and two days after I had my passport with the visa for the next 10 years! I am curious to know how the grade of emercency is taken in consideration, for one embassy is urgent for another one no...

  • Fred Braun

    Fred Braun


    Vielleicht sollte man über sein Verhalten nachdenken, wenn man sich so einmauern muss. Aber Reflexion ist nicht unbedingt jedermanns Sache...

  • piyu piyu

    piyu piyu


    They ask for the documents, which they didn't mention in the must carry documents list.

  • Adrien Cinarelli

    Adrien Cinarelli


    It's a shame, even if you have an appointment,"first-come first-served" if you have an appointment at 09:45am and an other person at 10:30am, if this person will arrive at the Embassy at 09:30 and you at 09:35, the other person will be served first. So why the appointment? And the most forms of shaming is that you have to wait your turn outside of the Embassy, even if its raining, snowing or "minus 10 celsius" outside. Mister Ambassador, change your rules for appointments please, and give the people who wants to visit your country and apply for a Visa, a confort place (Space) for waiting. This morning I had the feeling to be on a demonstration in front of the Embassy instead to apply for a Visa. For me, this is an profound form of shaming and arrogance against people. Sincerly, Adriano Cinarelli

  • Brad Halpin

    Brad Halpin


    Setting up meetings is fast and due to the small size get to you quickly and on time.

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