University of Luxembourg de Esch-sur-Alzette

LuxembourgUniversity of Luxembourg



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2, avenue de l'Université, 4365 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 46 66 44 1
site web:
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Latitude: 49.504254, Longitude: 5.948386

commentaires 5

  • Amine AJOUAD

    Amine AJOUAD


    as a member of the scientific community, I contacted several time the professors in charge of the labs about the opportunity to join their teams but no answers.

  • Hassan Raza

    Hassan Raza


    I wish i have admission in universty of luxemborg sir plz help me

  • Gdysh By

    Gdysh By


    Been there, studied there, worked there. Simply awesome place.

  • salar masood

    salar masood


    Hello dear I m student of botany in Pakistan I want to take admission in MS botany at ur university will u plz help me guide about the process

  • Jacek W

    Jacek W


    Very good marketing and international outlook. When it comes the quality of teaching you will find that you are on your own. A few Erasmus events, there is a discrepancy between local and international students. Bachelor programs are in a mix of languages, masters in English or French. You will have classes with very specialized researchers, yet because they are so focused on their own work, you will not learn the general knowledge you expect.

Université la plus proche

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