Water And Steam Car Wash de Konter

LuxembourgWater And Steam Car Wash



🕗 horaire

2, Rue Edmond Reuter, 5326, Konter, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
contact téléphone: +352 661 333 352
site web: kovacsgheorghe.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.596099, Longitude: 6.215731

commentaires 3

  • en

    Devkanta Sharma


    There are people who start their own business just out of pure passion; Mr. Kovacs is one of them. A passionate car detailing professional who just love to give the same experience he wanted from other car detailers (which is hard to get these days). Did my car exterior cleaning which includes foam cleaning of wheels and the glasses. And to put icing on the cake, he gives a quick wax polish for the car. Amazing personality, friendly and professional. Highly recommended for car detailing works.

  • Riccardo del Tufo

    Riccardo del Tufo


    Excellent. Fast, accurate and good value for money. Only suggestion is maybe to have a few more signs in the area.

  • Cristian Ona

    Cristian Ona


Lave-Auto la plus proche

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