Wirtshaus Zum Pferdemarkt Restaurant de Saarburg

LuxembourgWirtshaus Zum Pferdemarkt Restaurant


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

3, Pferdemarkt, 54439, Saarburg, DE Germany
contact téléphone: +49 6581 993913
site web: www.wirtshaus-zum-pferdemarkt.de
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.60764, Longitude: 6.54993

commentaires 5

  • en

    VB.Manuel Monge


    Hidden gem in Saarburg. Excellent traditional German food plus some modern additions. The French wine of the house is always a sure bet, and you need to try the salad with steak tips.

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    Tommy Götz



  • John Smithson

    John Smithson


    Excellent welcoming staff, the restaurant is very popular and was full but they found me a table elsewhere and gave me personal service, lovely food and a tasty local craft beer = what's not to like? Very comfortable room, well equipped and good value for money for a hotel of high standards.

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    Wolfgang Hammer


    Supper essen

  • Luc Nanquette

    Luc Nanquette


    Good German local food at fair prices, very nice and talkative staff

Lodging la plus proche

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