Zitha Klinik de Luxembourg

LuxembourgZitha Klinik


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

36, Rue Sainte-Zithe, 2763, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 28 881
site web: www.zithaklinik.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.603798, Longitude: 6.129348

commentaires 5

  • Urbie



    It's a hospital. I personally can't think of why anyone would go there for fun. I was there for an x-ray. I walked in. Within half an hour I was walking out with a cd in hand.

  • zcoolr zcool

    zcoolr zcool


    At Wednesday the 13.11.2019 I had an l5 s1 disc surgery which Dr. Olivier Ricart and his staff successfully did. I am so honored that I was treated at this Hospital! I've never experienced so much kindness, patience and understanding that I recived in Zitha Klink. The entire staff is amazing: Doctors, Technicians, Nurses, Therapists, everybody. Hygiene is on the highest level, the cleaning is done all the time. The food is specially designed to suit patients needs, but still there is a Menu from which a one can chose a lot of different meals. This Hospital proves what Luxembourg used to be and still is.

  • Robert Goeres

    Robert Goeres


    Get a roof top room with a view

  • Joris Limonier

    Joris Limonier


    Been nicely taken care of

  • Noha Afifi

    Noha Afifi


    I had a very good experience for 2 times with Zitha klinik laboratory. Doctors are very efficient and nice. They explained everything into details and answered all my questions.

Hôpital la plus proche

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