Agence Immobiliere Isk S.a.r.l. i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgAgence Immobiliere Isk S.a.r.l.


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56, Grand-Rue, 1660, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 42 94 29
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6122562, Longitude: 6.1287805

kommentar 2

  • Aleksandras ČYRAS

    Aleksandras ČYRAS


    1) L'agent immobilier n'est pas sympa au téléphone. 2) Affiche mettre carre brut (pas net !) dans le petit annonce, pour faire apparaitre plus grande. 3) Pas flexible pour le rendez-vous.

  • en

    Ioana Talnariu


    Worst experience with this agency. I was renting an apartment through them, at first I thought the agent in charge was nice. His niceness and responsiveness lasted until I had signed the contract and paid the agency fee (which are ridiculous for the 5 minutes he spent). Given that I am new to Luxembourg, I am not familiar with the renting process, so I was expecting the agent to give me some sort of guidance, like where should I pick up the keys for instance, nothing major. I have also asked to see the apartment once more before moving in, so I could take some measurements to be able to buy some furniture. I had called the agent twice, in two consecutive weeks. The first week he said it would be difficult, if I could call back next week. The following week I called back, and i was told "what don't you understand I am on vacation, it is not possible"....I have never been treated with so much disrespect by someone I have paid 1200 euros for a 10 minute job!. Very disappointed.!!!!!

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