BELLAMY Bar & Cookery i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgBELLAMY Bar & Cookery



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16, Rue de la Boucherie, 1247, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 20 11 04
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Latitude: 49.6113603, Longitude: 6.1330635

kommentar 5

  • Tony Holder

    Tony Holder


    What a great bar! Decor and ambience were great, staff were friendly and attentive, and the cocktails were fab! We didn’t eat but if the food is as good as the cocktails and service, you won’t be disappointed!

  • en

    Dora Chaprazova


    Food and drinks and service - all excellent!

  • en

    Christian Dekker


    Very tasty food! We really enjoyed the music. Staff was very nice to us.

  • en

    Seth T


    No exaggeration. 5 stars. The drinks are superbly hand crafted. The food is tapa style. Bite size delicacies. Service is very friendly, unlike my other Luxembourg experiences. What a lucky find. Made the day.

  • Monnette Samo

    Monnette Samo


    Absolutely loved this gem of a place! I was walking past and the décor caught my attention. A very 1920s bar, with interesting wallpaper and lovely furnishings. I had a delicious cocktail, a Summer Mule and enjoyed eating the beef Mini Burgers and delectable Avocado Fries! All up, it cost €27.50 which isn’t cheap, but was totally worth it. You must try the avocado fries, if it’s the one thing you do in Luxembourg!!

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